Saturday, February 16, 2008

Today I'm not feeling so well. I'm really tired and just don't feel like myself. I'm trying to get as much rest as I can, but when I don't stay busy I tend to start thinking about the worst things imaginable. I really wish I could get rid of my imagination. It tends to get carried away. Mostly I just want something to happen. I don't know if I'm going to get better, but I'd like to just know right now. I have not knowing. It would be easier to deal with if I knew right up front that I wasn't going to make it through this.

2 comments: said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

You should plan on being on dialysis a long time - I've been on 17 years. I spent the first three years in a hopping it would rain mood, expecting some other shoe to drop but it never did. There is no reason that I have read in your blog to think some other shoe is going to drop in your life. Check out you have to work your way up a learning curve but there is every reason to think you can do this.