Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I've been talking to my parents on the phone a lot lately. They are going to come with me to see the surgeon. I've been avoiding my extended family. I know my mom and dad have told everyone, but I just can't seem to face them. It's a weird feeling, having people know something about you when you haven't had the chance to tell them yourself. It just feels akward to be around them. My mom tries to pretend that she's not worried, but she's never been very good at lying. My dad on the other hand, talks to me like nothing has changed. It's nice to have that, but we also don't talk about my condition at all. It makes it harder to talk about. I just let him pretend nothing has changed. My brother is just distant, which I expected. He hates doctors, hospitals, and the idea of germs in general. The medical world tends to freak him out. I'm patiently awaiting my appointment....

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